Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Coffee shops, and lots of love.

Just uploaded a butt load of drawings. From my drawing 1 class last semester. And some people like them!!! Maybe it's cause I don't have thousands of watchers (I do love and appreciate all of you) but I get so excited whenever anyone favs one of my drawings. And when someone comments? Well, let's just say, I might be skipping along the campus today. (Actually, no. I hate the cold and snow. So,it'll be internal skipping, prolly.) But yay! I just feel happy, that people like my stuff! Gah! Words are slowly slipping away in my ecstasy. Adfjosn. <3 If you want to go see my pictures:  (If anyone does look at this blog, and then go to my DeviantArt, You may notice it has almost the exact same blog/journal as this.) Also, how would I make it so it just shows as [link] instead of the entire address?

Is weird to have a dream job that's different from what you want to do with your life? I'm an animation major, all I really want to do with my life is work on pretty pictures. Weather it be drawing, or movies, or even being the color person on a comic book. (Actually, that last one would be so awesome.) But my dreamjob isn't any of those. I mean, I would love to do any of those for the rest of my life. And be surrounded by color. But I really want to own/run a coffee shop. One that has art on the walls, and a cozy atmosphere, and comfy, possibly mismatched chairs around tables. Good music playing. Now, I know nothing about running a business. Math is not my strong point. And I don't have much knowledge about how to make different coffee drinks. But I just really want to do this. Nothing big or grandiose. Just... A coffee shop.

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